Jake was tested through Embark- he tested negative for everything. The genetic test did show that he recieved a copy of Degenerative Myelopathy, DM
Jake is a very affectionate and gentle soul. He loves and wants to be friends with all the dogs and people he has met. He is gentle around children even from the first time he was around them. Jake likes cattle although he has not spent much time in the same pen as them. There was one time we saw a cow stick her head through the fence and Jake licked her on the nose. Jake has fathered a couple litters and he enjoys playing with the puppies, we have never seen him show aggression to animals or people. Jake likes to keep an eye on the farm and barks to alert us when something is different. There is a purpose to him barking and he doesn't bark just to bark. Jake enjoys playing with toys and will try to get the other dogs to chase him when he has a toy. If they are not in the mood he will lay down with the toy and will wait until one of the others come close, hoping they want to play. Jake does not work but is a much appreciated set of eyes on the farm and an amazing member of the family.