Ozark Ridge Ranch Darcy

This dog is not registered OTSC.
Louise Cook
OCT 25, 2015
Added by: ozarkbreeze
Last edited by:


Sable Merle


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Ozark Ridge Ranch Darcy

Heritage Sgt. Pepper

Heritage Mighty Rainier

Gracehaven's Angus

Peruvian Lassie

Heritage Little Lassen

Strunk's Dunrovin Rover II

Heritage Majestic Shasta

Glen Craigean's Dunrovin Liberty Belle/Ozark Ridge Ranch Butterscotch

Glen Craigean's Dunrovin Fergus

Chesney's Robbie
Crompton's White Oak Moya

Strunk's Dunrovin Sarah

Strunk's Dunrovin Rover II
Strunk's Dunrovin Jill