2 copies of CEA - Eyes certified Not Affected/Normal
1 copy of DM
Cotton is the sweetest boy ever! He is very loving and funny and has quite the little personality. He is a communicator and will try to talk his way out of or into whatever he wants. He really talks sometimes. Jewels stole his bone one day and we kept saying "Wheres your bone" He would try so hard to tell us and it sounded just like he was saying "I don't nooooooooo". It was the funniest thing!
He loves our grandkids and wants to be everywhere they are, but we are still working on him being aware of his size. He is a puppy in a big dog body, but he tries. He has such a gentleness about him that I love.
He is a protector at heart and is very alert to what is going on around here, while in the house his favorite place to lay is at the glass door so he can see outside. He seems to have a soft spot for the smaller animals and has a special bond with the baby donkey.
To be so sweet and loving he can be fearless when he needs to be, except of Jewels, and she rules.
Cotton has come a long way working with the longhorns and helping in the pasture. He is finding his place in the pasture with Jewels and they are getting better together as a team. He is stronger in the areas that she is weak in and he is not afraid of them at all.
When Cotton was about 3-4 months he starting putting the ducks up on his own. When they would reach a certain point in the lot that he didn't think they should be, he would go walk them back. As the ducks got bigger and wondered further we were teaching him to keep them off the porch, he was doing a good job until they flew off one day. He searched for them for days. You could see how concerned he was that they were gone. Because we have a bobcat and coyotes living in our creek we don't let our chickens free range but he will just sit and watch and has never bothered our daughter free ranged chickens.
He is the best at varmint control, catching something almost daily. He's faster then the cats and will usually get them first. We have watched his favorite cat bring him a mouse that she has caught. I think she knows how much he enjoys it.
He watches over our cat, making sure she is in every night, he won't rest until she is.