Widdershins Ghost dog

Full registration:
Merry Cearly
APR 20, 2018
Added by: Amandasedor
Last edited by: Amandasedor


Sable Merle
Atypical Merle. Her dark hairs are gray instead if black


Not a carrier for mdr1
Carrier of CEA and GCS (CN) she is clear for everything else.

Wonderful gentle soul. She is good with chickens and has excellent recall. She's active hiking companion. Her demeanor is completely sweet and loving with Velcro tendencies. She is a devoted mother and excellent alert dog. She warms right up to visitors and wants to put her paws and head in your lap right away. Her tail lays straight down when standing still or pensive and curls up over her back when excited or playful. She is a good huntress and has captured mice.

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Widdershins Ghost dog
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