March 2020 beach trip2.5 years2.5 years

CannyGaun SevenSeven & Magpies

Puppy registration:
Can apply for full registration after one year old.
Janet Reuther
APR 22, 2017
Added by: Janet Reuther
Last edited by: lionsandmagpies


Sable & White
21.5 inches (54.61 cm)
50 pounds (22.68 kg)
34.5 (nose to tail) inches (87.63 cm)


PennHip: .40/.42
OFA: pending
CN: N/N , DM: N/N , VWDII: N/C




Vega is incredibly handler focused and food driven, and almost seems to read my mind when it comes to doing what I ask even before I'm going to ask it. There are a lot of things she knows that I never actually taught her, she just picked it up by inference (teaching those things to future dogs made me realize exactly how much Vega just figured out on her own). She naturally checks in, but isn't velcro about it. There's a healthy amount of going to so other things, and checking back in with me often, and she's the only one of mine I can trust 100% off leash. I would love to compete in rally and obedience with her once, and after she's spayed we will be (AKC is a pain on that). She absolutely loves working with me and always has, and even had her CGC at 6 months. She's extremely gentle with any and all small babies, whether be humans or puppies or calves, while also being a good ratter and rabbit dispatcher (between her and the puppy I don't think we'll have any rabbits left!) We had an instinct test where she seemed to have promise, but after 3 years of being told "don't chase livestock" I think she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. She has a calm enough presence to walk through the cattle during daily checks without any of the stock panicking or really even acknowledging her, even with small calves, and has actually shown us newborn calves that she thought we might not have seen yet. She can easily go right up to them without causing a new mom to panic, and then turn around and help the ES push the crazy heifers back up the field. Sometimes she will decide to spend the night outside keeping a watch on the herd behind the house if there have been coyotes close. She's a big No Predator type of dog and even if she's in the house, she'll wake me so she can bark at the coyotes and strays in the field. There have been a terrifying few times that she and Rainier have chased them off, but thankfully that's not been needed much. She is very people and dog aloof in public which makes training in public really easy, but will also accept pets and play with other dogs after an introduction. On the property she has a different view of strangers and will charge the fence with a bark and hackles raised if she doesn't know the person or I don't welcome them in. Once they're a welcomed guest, she's all about it and mooches the attention, and I know for a fact it's not a "oh you're in my house now, you must be ok" because she held a stranger-to-her friend of mine in the doorway when he came in unannounced once until I moved her, which honestly makes me feel a lot safer due to living alone.


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CannyGaun SevenSeven & Magpies

4J Acres Oliver

4J Acres Clancy

McGregor's Cailean

VK's Bonnie Bell

4J Acres Heather

Heiland Thistle's Diego

Heiland Thistle's Xena

Lady Margaret Licksalot

Gracehaven's Chance

Gracehaven's Angus

Gracehaven's Caitrin

Heritage Amy Pond

Heritage Mighty Rainier

Heritage Little Lassen